CACHe 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 Apps

香港華人生活軌跡漫步 CACHe 1.0.2
香港華人生活軌跡漫步想藉著遊走本地街道,發掘前人的生活軌跡,見證社區的歷史變遷,以至追溯各行各業的發展歷史嗎?「香港華人生活軌跡漫步」是一個互動智能手機程式,以香港華人生活今昔作為專題,提供四條導賞路線,讓用者「自助」考察四個不同地區的歷史和文化,包括中上環、深水埗、深井和坪州。每主題路線均附有約6至8個景點、扼要的歷史背景資料、交通安排,和注意事項。在中上環「漫步艱辛歲月之旅」,從古蹟回溯一百多年前香港受到疫症蹂躪的痕跡;在深水埗走一趟「細味地道之旅」,一嚐平民佳餚,感受街坊街里的生活氣息;走進「深井時代變遷之旅」,發掘馳名燒鵝背後,深井的社區營造與工廠發展互即互入的關係;踏足坪洲,從「廟宇遊蹤之旅」認識島上的工商業發展與多元信仰的關係,小島上廟宇林立,保留著多姿多采的傳統節慶風俗文化。現在你可以透過Google PlayStore免費下載「香港華人生活軌跡漫步」APP,帶著歷史的視野走進社區,從一地一景一物體驗今昔變遷。Looking for some extraordinary experiences in Hong Kong? Download our free APP for four new routes to explore this city! 'A Tale of Death' takes you one hundred years back in time when HK was trampled by a ruthless epidemic; 'A Taste  of Sham Shui Po' introduces you  to  some special local  delicacies in an old district; 'A journey of transformation in Sham Tseng' tells stories of HK's local industries in its golden era; & 'Peng Chau Temples Odyssey' shows  the colourful beliefs and rituals of a small local island! Each route covers 6 to 8 attractions with introduction and historic background foreach spot. Don't miss this APP! Free download available at GooglePlay store, search “Strolling through Living Heritage of Hong Kong Community” & enjoy!Chinese living in HongKong walk the trackWant to walk through the local streets, explore life trajectoriesof their predecessors, changes in the community to witness history,as well as traces the development history of industries it?"Hong Kong Chinese life trajectories walk" is an interactivesmartphone application to the Hong Kong Chinese life past andpresent as a topic, offers four guided tour route, so that users'self-help' study of history and culture in four different areas,including in Sheung Wan, Sham Shui Po , Sham Tseng and Peng Chau.Each theme routes provide in about 6-8 spots, historical backgroundinformation, transportation arrangements and precautions brief.Sheung Wan, "Walk difficult years Tour" in, traces back a hundredyears ago ravaged by the epidemic in Hong Kong from monuments; takea trip in the Sham Shui Po "savor authentic journey," a taste ofcivilians cuisine, feeling neighborhood street The breath of life;into the "Deep changing times Tour" to explore behind the famousroast goose, community building and plant development in Sham Tsenginterbeing relationship; foot Peng, from the "temple AdventuresTour" recognize the island's commerce and industry relations withdiverse beliefs, temples everywhere on the island, retainstraditional customs and culture colorful festivals.Now you can free download via Google Play Store "Chinese living inHong Kong walk the track," APP, with a historical perspective intothe community, a scene from one place to experience the past andpresent of a thing changes.Looking for some extraordinary experiences in Hong Kong? Downloadour free APP for four new routes to explore this city!'A Tale of Death' takes you one hundred years back in time when HKwas trampled by a ruthless epidemic; 'A Taste of Sham Shui Po'introduces you to some special local delicacies in an old district;'A journey of transformation in Sham Tseng 'tells stories of HK'slocal industries in its golden era; &'! Peng Chau TemplesOdyssey 'shows the colourful beliefs and rituals of a small localisland Each route covers 6 to 8 attractions with introduction andhistoric background for each spot.Don't miss this APP! Free download available at Google Play store,search "Strolling through Living Heritage of Hong Kong Community"& enjoy!
學有所承 1.0.1
話當年‧「識」今天:香港華人生活變遷計劃 / The Chinese LivesinHong Kong學有所承:傳統工藝師生作品展 / Passing on: Exhibition of works by MasterCraftsmenand the apprentices展覽日期:2014年7月5日至31日Date: 5/7 – 31/7/2014展覽場地:長春社文化古蹟資源中心地址:香港西營盤西邊街36A後座Venue: CAChe@Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun展覽時間:星期二至六 上午十時至下午一時 下午二時至下午六時逢星期日、一及公眾假期休息Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 6pm, closedonSundays, Mondays and Public Holidays資助機構:優質教育基金 (logo) / Supported by the Quality Education Fund主辦機構:長春社文化古蹟資源中心 (logo) / Organizer: The ConservancyAssociationCenter for Heritage (CACHe) 話當年‧「識」今天:香港華人生活變遷計劃 / The Chinese Lives in Hong Kong本中心自2012年10月起,得到優質教育基金的資助,開展為期兩年的教學計劃,透過民藝復興工作坊、社區文化考察、專題講座以及教育展板外借等活動,為老師及學生提供教與學的支援,以配合通識教育科、中國歷史科、歷史科等課程的學習單元。The Chinese Lives in Hong Kong - “Knowing the Present throughthePast: Stories & living heritage of the Hong KongChinese”ProjectThis two-year project is supported by the Quality Education Fundtoorganize a series of programmes that offer teachers andstudentssome innovative, interactive and memorable learningexperiencesbeyond classrooms. Our well designed thematic tours,workshops,talks and exhibitions come in line with the curriculumsandintroduce students to the captivating and intriguing historicandcultural legacy of Hong Kong.關於我們 / About Us長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)是非牟利的保育團體,於2005年投入運作,積極提倡保育歷史、文化及古蹟,並致力舉辦各類保育活動讓學校、社區和市民參與,從而提高大眾的保育意識。The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage startedservicein 2005. We have dedicated to promote both tangible andintangiblecultural heritage of Hong Kong, to pass on traditionsthrough funeducational activities, and to encourage participationin culturalconservation work.When the year ‧words"knowledge" Today: Hong Kong Chinese life changes planned /TheChinese Lives in Hong KongCheng learn something: Exhibition of traditional crafts andstudents/ Passing on: Exhibition of works by Master Craftsmen andtheapprenticesExhibition Date: 2014 年 5 to 31 July Date: 5/7 - 31/7/2014Venue: The Conservancy Association Centre for HeritageAddress: 36A Western Street, Sai Ying PunVenue: CAChe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying PunExhibition hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 1:00 pm 2:00pmto six p.m.          EverySunday,Monday and public holidaysOpening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 6pm, closedonSundays, Mondays and Public HolidaysFunding Agency: Quality Education Fund (logo) / Supported bytheQuality Education FundOrganizer: The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (logo)/Organizer: The Conservancy Association Center forHeritage(CACHe)When the year ‧ words "knowledge" Today: Hong Kong Chineselifechanges planned / The Chinese Lives in Hong KongThe center since October 2012, funded by the Quality EducationFundto carry out a two-year teaching program, through the revivalfolkart workshops, community cultural visits, seminars andeducationalpanels lending and other activities for teachers andstudentsteaching and learning support to meet Liberal Studies,ChineseHistory, History and other courses of study units.The Chinese Lives in Hong Kong - "Knowing the Present throughthePast: Stories & living heritage of the Hong KongChinese"ProjectThis two-year project is supported by the Quality Education Fundtoorganize a series of programmes that offer teachers andstudentssome innovative, interactive and memorable learningexperiencesbeyond classrooms. Our well designed thematic tours,workshops,talks and exhibitions come in line with the curriculumsandintroduce students to the captivating and intriguing historicandcultural legacy of Hong Kong.About Us / About UsThe Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) isanon-profit conservation groups, put in operation in 2005,promotingconservation of historical, cultural and historical sites,and iscommitted to organizing various conservation activitiesforschools, community and public participation, therebyenhancingpublic conservation consciousness.The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage startedservicein 2005. We have dedicated to promote both tangible andintangiblecultural heritage of Hong Kong, to pass on traditionsthrough funeducational activities, and to encourage participationin culturalconservation work.